Date and Time:
April 14, 2024 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Workshop Location
How to Enroll
- Click on Registration link below and add your preferred course to the cart.
- Upon booking you will get a call from the organizer within 24 hours (working days only)
- The amount you are paying is for reserving a place only, rest of the amount will be collected by the organizer before you collect the Provider Manual.
- Refunds will be provided only when we cannot get you a place or when the organization cancels or postpones the event. No refunds will be provided when you fail to attend the event.
- As per AHA Guidelines Class will be conducted only if there are 6 candidates. If there are less than 6 candidates class will be postponed to further date. In such scenario refund will not be provided.
- For Renewal kindly inform the organization after doing the registration so that they will guide you how to proceed next
Course Details
Courses Description:
The BLS Health care Provider Course is designed to provide a wide variety of healthcare professionals the ability to recognize several life-threatening emergencies, provide high-quality chest compressions (CPR), deliver appropriate ventilation and provide early use of an AED, and relieve choking in a safe, timely, and effective manner. The course is intended for certified and licensed health care professionals.
Courses Content & Module:
Adult & Paediatric CPR (including 2-rescuer scenarios and use of Bags Valve Mask)
Foreign-body airway obstruction.
Use of Automated External Defibrillator (AED) with CPR.
Features & Benefits:
This course is designed to teach the skills of CPR for victims of all ages, the use of an automated external defibrillator, and relief of choking as per the new 2020 AHA Guidelines Update for CPR and ECC.
The course is video-based with instructor-led discussion and simulation. Emphasis on high-quality CPR including a team dynamics classroom activity. Students practice and complete various skills and learning stations.
Ideal for learners who prefer group interaction and feedback from an instructor while learning skills.
Written Exam & Skill Station:
The candidate is evaluated through a written exam and practical skill test.
BLS Provider Course Completion Card valid for 2 years.
Course Duration: 6 hours.
Intended Audience:
Health Care Providers such as physicians, Nurse, Paramedics, Emergency Medical Technicians, Respiratory Therapists, Physical and Occupational Therapists, Physician Assistants, Residents or Fellows, or Medical or Nursing Students in Training, Aides, Medical or Nursing Assistants, and other Allied Health Personnel.
COURSE FEE :- 4500/- Each Candidate
Advance Amount :- 400/- Each Candidate
Balance Amount :- 4100/- will collect from the organization before proving the study materials
If you are more than 6 or Above, kindly please contact us for separate sections
If you need more clarification about courses and registration call us on 24/7* 1800 8899 108, Whats App:-+91 7799880805
Course Description:
The American Heart Association’s Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support course is totally redesigned for healthcare providers who either direct or participate in the resuscitation of a patient, whether in or out of the hospital. Through the ACLS course, providers will enhance their skills in the treatment of the adult victim of a cardiac arrest or other cardiopulmonary emergencies. ACLS emphasizes the importance of basic life support CPR to patient survival; the integration of effective basic life support with advanced cardiovascular life support interventions; and the importance of effective team interaction and communication during resuscitation.
ACLS is based on simulated clinical scenarios that encourage active, hands-on participation through learning stations where students will practice essential skills individually, as part of a team, and as team leaders. Realistic simulation reinforces the following keys concepts: proficiency in basic life support care; recognizing and initiating early management of Pre-Arrest conditions; managing cardiac arrest; identifying and treating ischemic chest pain and acute coronary syndromes; recognizing other life-threatening clinical situations (such as stroke (such as stroke) and providing initial care; ACLS algorithms; and effective resuscitation team dynamics.
Course Content & Modules:
* Defibrillation.
* Airway Management.
* Rhythm Recognition.
* IV access.
* Use of medications.
* Cardioversion.
* Transcutaneous pacing
* 1- rescuer, CPR, AED.
* Effective resuscitation team dynamics.
Features & Benefits:
Healthcare providers will enhance their skills in the treatment of the adult victim of a cardiac arrest or other cardiopulmonary emergencies.
ACLS emphasizes the importance of basic life support CPR to patient survival; the integration of effective basic life support with advanced cardiovascular life support interventions; and the importance of effective team interaction and communication during resuscitation.
Students engage in simulated clinical scenarios that encourage active, hands-on participation through learning stations where students will practice essential skills individually, as part of a team, and as team leaders.
Realistic simulations reinforce the following key concepts:
Proficiency in basic life support care
Recognizing and initiating early management of the pre-arrest condition
Managing cardiac arrest
Identifying and treating ischemic chest pain and acute coronary syndromes
recognizing other life-threatening clinical situations (such as stroke) and providing initial care
ACLS algorithms
Effective resuscitation team dynamics.
Written Exam & Skill Stations:
The candidate is evaluated through a written exam and practical skill test.
Certification: ACLS provider Course Completion Card valid for 2 years.
Course Duration: 16 hours.
Intended Audience:
For emergency, intensive care, or critical care healthcare providers such as physicians, nurses, paramedics, respiratory therapists, and other professionals who may need to respond to a cardiovascular emergency
NOTE: -Valid BLS Certificate is required for Attending the ACLS course, kindly make sure that do have a valid BLS certificate. If not Kindly register for the BLS course Along with the ACLS course
COURSE FEE:- 6500/- Each Candidate
Advance Amount:- 600/- Each Candidate
Balance Amount:- 5900/- will collect from the organization before proving the study materials
If you are more than 6 or Above Candidates or any Group, kindly please contact us for separate sections
If you need more clarification about courses and registration